Institutional Learning Outcomes
In pursuit of our purpose, we seek to cultivate an institutional environment of Christian excellence through which vital core competencies and values are inculcated in each student. The Luther Rice educational experience is designed to transfer to the student all the vital competencies required of twenty-first century Christian leaders. Upon completion of a degree program at Luther Rice, students will demonstrate the following:
Exegetical/Expositional Competence - the ability to accurately interpret and effectively communicate the Word of God in a variety of contexts
Theological/Apologetical Competence - the ability to present a reasoned explanation of the doctrines that are integral to Scripture and to defend the historic Christian faith
Pastoral/Leadership Competence - the ability to shepherd and to lead others in ecclesiastical and workplace contexts
Evangelical/Devotional Competence - the ability to present the gospel to unbelievers in a clear and winsome way and to disciple believers for spiritual formation in the image of Christ
Academic/Discipleship Competence - the ability to research and study new subjects for oneself and to cultivate a lifestyle of lifelong learning
Communication Competence - the ability to communicate effectively and accurately through both the written and spoken word